2017 NSS Art & Music Salons Compiled by Cady Soukup and Linda Starr
NSS Art & Music Salons encourage and recognize cave-related arts, artists, and musicians.
NSS Salons are open to everyone; entrants need not be members of the NSS. Rules, entry forms,
and deadlines are available on each Salon’s web site. For more information navigate to:
The best of each Salon’s entries are exhibited at the NSS Convention in Rio Rancho, NM,
June 19-23, 2017. Each Salon’s top award and Caver’s Choice award (if applicable) is presented
during the convention’s Thursday evening Salon program. After the convention, low-resolution
representations of the top award winners for every Salon are placed in the NSS Salons web pages
and, other than music, in the NSS News.
Cave and Karst-related Maps
Dwight Livingston, Chair
ENTRIES: Cave cartographers are invited to submit paper-based and web-based entries. There is
no restriction on method of presentation; innovative techniques are encouraged.
ENTRIES: Every entry must include the Entry Form and either be mailed to Dwight Livingston
(1908 Angleside Rd, Fallston, MD 21047 - clearly labeled “Cartographic Salon”) to arrive no later
than June 2, 2017, or delivered to the Cartographic Salon exhibition area at the NSS Convention
either Sunday evening June 18, 6-9pm, or by noon Monday, June 19, 2017.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/cartoentry.pdf
CATEGORIES: 1 Apprentice; 2 Experienced; 3 Master-Professional
JUDGING: Judging occurs during convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Survey and Cartography Section website:
https://caves.org/section/sacs/ or cartsalon@caves.org
Cave-related Songs and Music
Roland Vinyard, Chair
ENTRIES: Entries must be sent to Roland Vinyard no later than June 2, 2017. CDs preferred.
ENTRY FEE: $8.00 per entry: all entries are considered donated to the NSS.
CATEGORIES: 1. Traditional; 2. Original; 3. Avant-garde.
JUDGING: Judging occurs prior to convention.
MORE INFORMATION: balladsalon@caves.org or phone 518.673.3212.
Cave Publication Covers
Blake Jordan, Chair
ENTRIES: All entries must be mailed to Blake Jordan, 6109 Concordia Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM
87111 accompanied by the entry form, and received no later than May 1, 2017. Each entry must be
included on an Entry Form, have a Display Card, and be annotated as to its category. Please read
the guidelines online or contact Blake Jordan.
ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per organization, regardless of the number of covers submitted.
CATEGORIES: (1) Non-photographic; (2) Photographic; (3) Computer Enhanced (includes covers
only distributed in an online format, and covers manipulated by computer from an original photo
or artistic format).
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/coverentry.pdf
JUDGING: Judging occurs prior to convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: coverartsalon@caves.org.
Topography/Cartography in Speleology
Carolina Shrewsbury, Chair
The Fine Arts Salon exhibits speleologically-inspired artwork. Artwork may be in any medium.
SpeleoArt workshops and events occur in conjunction with the exhibition.
ENTRIES: All entry forms must be submitted before Convention. Mail entry forms with jpeg/jpg
images of the art to Carolina Shrewsbury postmarked no later than May 16, 2017, or email to
speleoart[at]hawaiiflow.com. Artwork must be shipped to address given on acceptance, or to
arrive in the Salon by 3pm Saturday, June 17, 2017.
ENTRY FEE: Entry fees are per artist: $10 for adults who assist with Salon week; $15 for those
who cannot assist with Salon week; $5 for youth (12 & under). 4 entries accepted per person for
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/finearts/FineArtsEntryFormAlex.pdf
JUDGING: Pre-selection for exhibition occurs prior to Convention. Judging occurs Monday 9-noon.
SpeleoArt Award is by ballot.
FURTHER INFORMATION: fineartsalon@caves.org
Multiple Image Computer Programs
David Bunnell, Chair
DESCRIPTION: Exhibition of multiple image computer programs less than twelve minutes in
length. Presentations may be submitted on CD or DVD or via file share site (notify David Bunnell of
file & site).
ENTRIES: All entries sent to Dave Bunnell (P.O. Box 879, Angels Camp, CA 95222) no later than
May 1, 2017.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/multientry.pdf
JUDGING: Judging occurs prior to the convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: multimediasalon@caves.org
Publications (Posters, Pamphlets & Brochures)
Blake Jordan, Chair (transitioning from David Decker)
ENTRIES: All entries must be mailed to Blake Jordan, 6109 Concordia Rd NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87111 accompanied by the entry form, and received no later than May 1, 2017.
Each entry must be included on an Entry Form, have a Display Card, and be annotated as to its
category. Please read the guidelines online or contact Blake Jordan. Paper media related to caves
or caving (posters, pamphlets, postcards, brochures, etc.).
ENTRY FEE: $3.00 for the first entry, and $1.00 for each additional entry.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/shirtentry.pdf
JUDGING: Judged prior to convention
FURTHER INFORMATION: coverartssalon@caves.org
Photographic prints
Patricia Seiser, Chair
ENTRIES: Photographers may enter up to ten (10) prints, of which no more than 8 may be entered
into any one category. All entries must be delivered to Print Salon area on Saturday, June 17,
between 9am-5pm, or on Sunday, June 18 between 8-10:00am at the NSS Convention Print Salon
exhibition area.
ENTRY FEE: The entry fee is $1 per print. There is no fee if the print is donated to the NSS.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/printentry.pdf
ENTRY CRITERIA: See Print Salon web pages.
CATEGORIES: 4 categories: Color, Black & White, Technical Science, and Digitally Enhanced.
JUDGING: Judging occurs Sunday, July 17 at 10:00am. Entries received after 10 will not be judged
but may be shown.
DISPLAY ONLY: Entrants may offer prints for display.
SALES AND FURTHER INFORMATION: E-mail Pat Seiser at printsalon@caves.org call 505-292-
5793. If you have trouble meeting the deadline, please contact Pat before June 1, 2017.
Photographic Slides & Digital Images
Dean Wiseman and Cady Soukup, Co-Chairs
ENTRIES: All entries either mailed to Dean Wiseman (1152 Timber Grove Place, Beech Grove, IN
46107-3004 and Call at 406-546- 7939, to arrive by March 20, 2017, or provided via internet share
site. Limit is 30 entries per photographer.
ENTRY FEES: $1.00 per film slide or $0.25 per digital image. Digital images preferred. No fee if the
entry is donated to the NSS.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/photoentry.pdf
CATEGORIES: See web site for details. 1. Story Series; 2. Entrance; 3. Life; 4. Cave; 5. Caver; 6.
Formations; 7. Humor; 8. Science; 9. Manipulated.
JUDGING: Judging occurs prior to convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: photosalon@caves.org.
Patches, Decals, Pins, etc. related to Caves or Caving
David Decker, Chair
DESCRIPTION: For symbolic emblems related to caves or caving (posters, logos, patches, decals,
pins, etc.). The Salon Chair decides if an entry fits the description of a symbolic emblem and can be
accepted for judging. If in doubt, please contact the Salon Chair in advance to discuss your
proposed entry.
ENTRIES: All entries must be mailed to David Decker (5117 Fairfax Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM
87114 USA) to arrive by June 9, 2017.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/shirtentry.pdf
ENTRY FEES: $3.00 for the entrant's first entry, $1.00 for each additional entry.
JUDGING: Judged during convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: emblemsalon@caves.org.
T-shirts related to Caves or Caving
David Decker, Chair
DESCRIPTION: For T-shirts related to caves, caving, caver activities.
ENTRIES: All entries must be mailed to David Decker (5117 Fairfax Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM
87114 USA) to arrive by June 9, 2017.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/shirtentry.pdf
ENTRY FEES: $3.00 for the entrant's first entry and $1.00 for each additional entry.
JUDGING: Judged during convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: tshirtsalon@caves.org.
Cave-related Films and Videos
David Socky, Chair
ENTRIES: The NSS Video Salon is open to anyone, amateur or professional, regardless of affiliation
with caving organizations or attendance at the NSS Convention. All entries must be mailed to
David Socky (6572 Woodbrook Dr SW, Roanoke, VA 24018-5402) to arrive by April 1, 2017. Each
entry must have an official entry form and further information.
MEDIA: Details at Video salon web site.
ENTRY FORM: https://caves.org/committee/salons/videoentry.pdf
ENTRY FEE: $5.00 for each entry.
CATEGORIES: Films and videos are judged in a single category.
JUDGING: Judging occurs prior to convention.
FURTHER INFORMATION: videosalon@caves.org.